An Internet resource studying the effect of agriculture and other
outside influences on the Yanomami of the Amazon rain forest! Provided
by Lauren E. Worth, Mrs. Dahmen's 4th grade class, Norfolk, VA
The Yanomami, a group
of Indians that live in the rainforests of northern Brazil and southern
Venezuela, are few in numbers. Only about 10,000 individuals live in the
scattered villages in vine and leaf thatched huts; practice slash-and
-burn agriculture; grow many different kinds of crops; and hunt certain
Why? These Yanomami tribes
are slowly vanishing because of the many settlers, miners, loggers, and
ranchers moving into their territory. They have brought many diseases into
the rainforest, such as malaria, tuberculosis, and malnutrition. The Yanomami
are not used to these diseases, so they can get sick and die very easily
(for more information go to
this page).
The Yanomami are not the
only people that suffer from the rainforest's destruction. Many other indigenous
groups do, too.
They all know that more than six million indigenous tribes inhabited
the rainforest 500 years ago, but because of the large amount of rainforest
destruction every year- 5.4 million acres- only about 200,000 remain.
c. Victor
Engelbert 1980/survival international, Wearne, Philip. Return of
the Indian. Philadelphia Temple University Press, 1996.
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