Links to maps, geographic data, and other related things
  • Private sector providers
  • Private organizations
  • International
  • Federal Govt

    The Mapdawg pages:

    Mapdawg home
    GIS and Geographic Data- focus is on links that take you directly to available (and hopefully free to immediately download) spatial data, ready to use in your GIS package; worldwide in scope.
    GIS Organizations- links to selected organizations involved in the production, use, and development of GIS and related geographic tools and spatial data
    GIS Software- Primarily vendors
    Geography and GIS Resources on the internet- sites with general info on the field
    The Mapdawg Old Map page steps back in time away from the GIS high tech world
    send email to the Mapdawg

    Other stuff:

    Search the web using Alta Vista
    In the unlikely event you can't find what you need, search farther with Dogpile
    Mario's Cyberspace Station, a wonderful and unique news site, courtesy of my friend, Mario Profaca